Probiotics are a big and rapidly growing business, with annual global sales of products expected to rise to $42 billion by 2016. The term probiotic refers to dietary supplements (tablets, capsules, powders, lozenges and gums) and foods (such as yogurt and other fermented products) that contain “beneficial” or “friendly” bacteria. The organisms themselves are also called probiotics.
They are promoted to
improve digestion, strengthen immunity, help in weight loss and even protect
against periodontal disease, among other proposed benefits, as well as for
general health. Will the friendly bacteria in these supplements and foods keep
you healthy?
claim that probiotics (meaning “for life,” as opposed to antibiotics) confer
health benefits primarily by rebalancing the normal microflora in the large
intestine (colon). There are many general types of bacteria used as probiotics
(two common ones are Lactobacillus
and Bifidobacterium), and many different species as well as strains
within species. They have different physiological effects—and thus possibly
different health benefits (as well as possible risks). Some yeasts, such
as Saccharmyces,
can also act as probiotics.
products may contain a single strain or many strains, and the number of
organisms in a daily dose can range from 1 billion to more than 250 billion.
Many manufacturers boast that their products contain unique probiotics and/or
combinations of strains that make them even better for you—and often charge a
premium price.
Related: What Are Probiotics And Why They Are So Good For You
Related: What Are Probiotics And Why They Are So Good For You
what the studies show
The large intestine is home to hundreds of trillions of bacteria. Fortunately, most are neutral or even beneficial, performing many vital body functions. For example, they help keep “bad” bacteria at bay, play a role in immunity, help us digest food and absorb nutrients and may even have anticancer effects. But will consuming them as probiotics in foods or capsules make a notable difference to your health—especially if you are already healthy? Here’s a look at the evidence.
Digestive problems. The best support
for probiotics is for reducing diarrhea, especially some kinds of infectious
diarrhea and diarrhea associated with antibiotic use. A 2010 review from the
Cochrane Collaboration concluded that probiotics shorten episodes of acute
infectious diarrhea. And in 2011, a Health Canada monograph stated that
products containing certain probiotics (such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG)
help manage acute infectious diarrhea and antibiotic-associated diarrhea.
A 2012 research review published in the Journal of the American Medical
Association (JAMA) found
that probiotics reduced the risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhea by 42
percent—but many of the studies had flaws, so these findings should be
interpreted with caution. A 2013 Cochrane review of 23 trials also concluded
that probiotics may be effective for preventing antibiotic-related diarrhea.
However, the largest and best-designed study
to date, published in the Lancet in
2013, found that probiotics were no better than a placebo in preventing
diarrhea in older people taking antibiotics.
Some studies suggest that certain probiotic
strains also help in mild to moderate ulcerative colitis (a type of
inflammatory bowel disease) and possibly for bloating and gas in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). If you have mild to
moderate ulcerative colotis or IBS, probiotics may be a helpful adjunct
treatment. One product that has some research behind it for irritable bowel
conditions is VSL#3, a combination of eight different probiotic strains, to be
used under a doctor's supervision.
A 2010 review of five controlled studies,
published in the World
Journal of Gastroenterology, found that certain strains of B. lactis and L. casei improved stool
consistency and frequency of bowel movements in people with constipation.
Immunity and colds/flu. There’s a close
connection between the bacteria in your colon and the immune system—and
probiotics have been linked to enhanced immune responses (such as to flu
vaccines). Several studies, including one published in 2012 in the British Journal of Nutrition,
have found that certain probiotic strains boost measures of immune response—but
whether this translates into any clinical benefits is uncertain. Studies have
been inconsistent, for example, as to whether taking probiotics will actually
curb colds and other upper respiratory infections. A 2011 Cochrane review
concluded that probiotics may help prevent such infections, though there were
limitations in the studies and no data for older people.
Weight loss. There’s little
published clinical work showing that probiotics will help promote weight loss,
as some manufacturers claim or imply. A study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in
2011 found that people who drank fermented milk with a particular strain
of Lactobacillus gasseri for
12 weeks had a reduction in abdominal fat and body weight, compared to those
consuming a control drink. Another study, published in the Journal of Functional Foods in
November 2012, found that people who consumed yogurt containing two “novel”
strains of probiotics experienced small losses in body fat, but no changes in
body weight.
Related: Top 13 Probiotic Foods
Related: Top 13 Probiotic Foods
Oral health. In addition to the microflora that reside in the large intestine, bacteria populate the mouth as well. An increasing number of probiotic lozenges and gums are thus being promoted for oral health—for example, to reduce periodontal disease, throat infections and bad breath. There’s preliminary evidence that certain strains may have some benefits, but commercial products may not have the same strains and formulations as those tested in published studies. Don’t expect these products to replace brushing and flossing.
Other uses. Many other claims
are made for probiotics—that they lower blood pressure and cholesterol,
alleviate skin conditions like eczema, treat ulcers and
urinary tract infections, improve vaginal health, prevent colon cancer, ease
anxiety and depression and ward off traveler’s diarrhea. Good evidence to
support these claims is lacking.
Testing by of 29 probiotic
products in 2012 found that while all contained at least one billion organisms
per daily dose ("an amount that may provide some benefit"), some had
far lower amounts than claimed on the label.
Side effects: Probiotics are considered safe overall for healthy people; short-term side effects may include mild gas and bloating. But keep in mind that if they do have physiological effects, these may not always be good effects. Some may, at least in theory, overstimulate the immune system or adversely affect metabolic pathways such as carbohydrate metabolism. If you are immune-compromised, have certain bowel problems or are seriously ill in other ways, avoid probiotics unless your doctor has okayed their use. Probiotics should be used cautiously by pregnant women, infants and young children and never given to premature infants.
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