steals the sight of 12,000 to 24,000 people each year and is responsible for 8
percent of blindness in the United States, making it the leading cause of new
blindness in people ages 20 to 74, according to the American Diabetes Association.
One problem even reflects in its
name the close relationship between diabetes and the eyes: diabetic retinopathy, a catchall term that refers to
diabetes-related damage to the retina.
Diabetic retinopathy is the most
common complication of type 2 diabetes, currently affecting more than 4.1
million Americans age 40 and older. Up to 21 percent of people with type 2
diabetes already have diabetic retinopa thy by the time they're diagnosed with
diabetes. Almost 100 percent of people with type 1 and more than 70 percent
with type 2 diabetes eventually develop diabetic retinopathy, in most cases
without vision loss, accord- ing to a Johns
Hopkins University special report. Nearly 900,000 Americans currently have
diabetic retinopathy severe enough to cause vision loss.
Mexican Americans are almost twice
as likely to develop diabetic retinopathy, and non-Hispanic blacks are almost
50 percent as likely to develop this condition as non-Hispanic whites.
Researchers say annual screening
for diabetic retinopathy and managing diabetes risk factors will help reduce
the possibility of blindness caused by the disease. The following are some of
the best sight-saving strategies.
Manage your blood sugar
Keep your blood sugar as close to normal as
possible to minimize damage from retinopathy and slow its progression (opt for
these blood sugar-lowering foods to start). According to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
survey of 15,000 people with diabetes, fewer than 45 percent checked their
blood sugar levels daily. Without treatment and adequate blood sugar control,
diabetic retinopathy usually gets worse.
Get your vision corrected
People with diabetes who also have vision problems
often don't realize their sight will improve with the proper prescription for
glasses or contact lenses, according to the CDC research. In the survey, 11
percent of people with diabetes had 20/40 visual acuity or worse in their best
eye. (Normal is 20/20.) But 65 percent of those surveyed still didn't have
their vision corrected with an accurate prescription.
Watch your blood pressure
Lowering your blood pressure could save your
eyesight, say British scientists. When they compared 758 people with diabetes
who strictly controlled their blood pressure (keeping it around 144/82) with
those whose levels stayed higher (157/88), the better-controlled group had a 47
percent lower risk of dimmed eyesight. High blood pressure can damage blood
vessels in the eyes, explains study author David Matthews, FRCP, chairman of
the Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology,
and Metabolism. Keep your blood pressure at healthy levels with these
natural tactics like exercise; weight loss; plenty of fruits, veggies, and
whole grains; and, if needed, medication.
Go fishin’ for better vision
A new major study of mice found that the omega-3
fatty acids in fish protect against the development and progression of
retinopathy. In the journal Nature Medicine, the researchers
reported that upping omega-3 fatty acids and cutting omega-6 fatty acids (the
most common type in the standard American diet) reduced the area of vessel loss
that leads to abnormal blood vessel growth and blindness.
A higher amount of omega-6s contributed to the
growth of abnormal blood vessels in the retina. But just a 2 percent bump in
dietary omega-3 intake eased the severity of retinopathy by 40 to 50 percent.
The promising results may have something to do with the unusually high
concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids in the retina, reports lead author Kip M.
Connor, PhD, a postdoctoral research fellow at Children's Hospital Boston, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School. To get more omega-3s in your diet, go
for these healthy foods and fatty fish like mackerel, lake trout, herring,
sardines, albacore tuna, and salmon.
Eat a bowl of blueberries
Antioxidants called anthocyanins in red and
purple berries may help reduce eye damage from the sun and normal aging, as
well as boost healthy blood flow to your eyes. Studies show that these plant
pigments may also slow the development of diabetic retinopathy by strengthening
blood vessel walls. Along with blueberries (which are one of the best and
surprisingly affordable superfoods), fill up on anthocyanin-rich cherries, red
grapes (also grape juice and red wine), and pomegranates.
Munch on nuts
A 5-year Harvard Medical School study found that eating
nuts at least once a week slowed vision deterioration by 40 percent.
Experts suspect the healthy fat in nuts may prevent excess total fat from
clogging the arteries in your eyes, just as it protects the arteries in your
Chill out
Staying relaxed and calm may help bring down your
blood sugar levels and, consequently, lower your risk of complications such as
diabetic retinopathy and blindness, according to research from the Medical University of Ohio. In the 10-week study of 30 people, 15
practiced daily tension-taming exercises, such as muscle relaxation, and had
their techniques monitored with weekly 45-minute biofeedback sessions. The other
15 took diabetes education classes.
At the end of the study, those who learned to chill
out saw about a 10 percent drop in fasting blood sugar and in the level of A1C.
"Stress triggers hormones that raise blood sugar," explains lead
researcher Ronald McGinnis, MD. "Reducing chronic stress switches this
process off." If that's not motivation enough, the relaxation group also
experienced a drop in depression and anxiety.
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