You know the drill. Sunday fear
becomes Monday blues becomes a slow start to another week that you’re not
really feeling.
If that’s
a cycle you want to break, hitting up a healthier life is the best way to a
zippier you. And recent scientific research suggests that one way of
contributing to a holistically balanced body lies in getting your gut in a good
Recent studies indicate that gut
bacteria can influence mood-related symptoms in humans – even going so far as
to be beneficial in cases of Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome and anxiety. As the gut is the body’s primary creator of serotonin (producing an estimated 95 per cent of the ‘happy hormone,’ according to The American Psychological Association),
this field of science is rapidly gaining traction – from books like Dr. Vincent
Pedre’s 2016 release ‘Happy Gut’ and
Dr David Perlmutter’s 2015 ‘Brain Maker:
The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain – for Life,’ to
Professor Tim Spector’s ‘British Gut’
project, which explores how our overall health is affected by the organ.
As to how to get on the hype?
Fermented dairy is a great place to start. A strong source of probiotics – the
‘friendly’ bacteria which help to keep your gut’s bacterial balance and, thus,
your gut, happy – it has the added benefit of tasting delicious.
Related: What are Probiotics and Why they so good for you.
Related: What are Probiotics and Why they so good for you.
As registered dietician Jessica Cording states: “Yogurt and kefir can provide beneficial probiotic bacteria, which help to fight off pathogens and help support regular digestion. Another important thing to keep in mind is that production for mood-regulating neurotransmitters like serotonin also involves the GI tract, so good digestion is key to mental health as well.”
On the
same page is the British Dietetics
Association. Their current fact sheet says that as probiotics compete for
space and for food with potentially harmful bacteria, they help to get rid of
the latter, as well as stimulating our own immune systems so that infections
can be conquered quicker.
A simple
at-home fermentation process can supercharge your dairy with extra benefits.
Remember: this is something to incorporate into your lifestyle, not a quick
fix. “It’s important to try your fermented dairy for at least a month. As it’s
homemade, each strain will have different amounts and different effects,” says
Kirsten Crother, Dietician at the Food
Treatment Clinic. “Try to stick with the same consistency and have it every
Here’s how
it’s done.
Often referred to as ‘baked milk,’
ryazhenka comes from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Created by baking whole pasteurised milk on a low
temperature, ideally in a crockpot or a slow cooker for 8 to 10 hours (until
the top turns golden brown). Allow to cool and strain, then, to ferment, add
one tablespoon of sour cream as per two cups of milk, cover and leave at room
temperature for 12 hours. That’ll get the bacteria doing its work and
gut-friendly baby right up.
Related: Fermented foods? Can they help your Gut Health
Related: Fermented foods? Can they help your Gut Health
Sitting in between the texture of
milk and yoghurt, this tangy drink is good if you’re one for the sourer tastes.
Buy kefir grains online, get in a carton of milk and you’re in business.
Start with
500 ml full fat milk and 1 tbsp of the grains. Stir together and allow to
ferment at room temperature for over 24 hours. Strain the grains with a plastic
sieve (the grains don’t respond well to metal) and enjoy.
fermented food we all know and love. But with this quick lifestyle hack you can
gain more benefits for your health – and save some cash while you’re at
it. You need 500ml of milk, plus a pot of plain yoghurt which explicitly
states that it was made with live cultures. Wait for the milk to come to room
temperature, then simmer in a saucepan to 200 degrees. Allow to cool sightly,
then whisk in three tablespoons of the yoghurt. Ensure the pot stays warm – you
could wrap in a towel or cover with a lid – then leave to stand for 12 hours.
Next, move to the fridge to chill. To make your next batch, reserve three table
spoons of the first lot, and you’re in a self-sustaining yoghurt cycle.
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