Friday, 1 September 2017


Tendonitis (which is also sometimes spelled tendinitis) is a form of painful inflammation in the tendons, which are the chord-like parts of the body that connect muscles to bones. Usually caused by repetitive movements (like exercise or sitting in the same position for many hours), injuries or built-up inflammation over time, tendonitis can cause a lot of pain.

People who are over 40 years old tend to get tendonitis more than younger people, but really anyone can development symptoms depending on how damaged versus elastic tendons become. It’s true that as we age, our ligaments, bones and tendons slowly weaken with everyday wear and tear, so we’re more likely to experience things like muscle or joint pain

Tendonitis comes down to experiencing inflamed tendons that are more susceptible to stress, strain, movement and tears. Despite what most people assume, this can affect people of all ages, sizes and physical activity levels, not just serious athletes or the elderly.

Tendonitis is treated in different ways depending on where it’s located on the body, how long it’s been present and the person’s physical activity level. If you visit an orthopedic or doctor to help treat your tendonitis, he or she might prescribe a treatment plan involving getting plenty of rest, taking time off from exercise, using ice/heat packs, attending physical therapy, or taking pain-killing and anti-inflammatory medications.

Most of the time drastic measures like having surgery performed or getting ongoing injections isn’t needed, but in the case where a tendon ruptures, these can be used to manage the situation quickly.

Helpful Supplements for Tendonitis

To give your immune system a boost, lower inflammation and nourish damaged tissue, you can try these supplements that fight pain and swelling:

Omega-3 fish oils -These anti-inflammatory fats are needed for wound healing, controlling swelling and proper immune responses. Aim for four grams daily between eating wild-caught fish or seafood and taking supplements.

Collagen/collagen protein — Both tendons and ligaments are largely made of collagen, so taking this in supplement form helps restore your supply and strengthen weakened areas.

Bromelain — This enzyme is found naturally in pineapple and has anti-inflammatory effects. Try taking 500 milligrams three times daily to help with tissue repair.

MSM — This is a powerful nutrient for healing since it’s an anti-inflammatory and a source of sulfur that’s necessary for tendons to properly function. It also works well for treating muscle aches like ongoing shoulder or back pain.

Essential oils — To help reduce pain and speed up blood flow, try natural essential oils like cypress, frankincense or peppermint oil. Use them by mixing two drops of each oil together with 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil. Then apply the mixture directly to the painful area three to five times daily with a warm compress to help them sink into the skin. Soaking in a warm bath infused with essential oils is another good option.

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