Food can be medicine in so many ways. If your body is out of whack, oftentimes the physiological issue at hand can be boiled down to a nutritional deficiency. Are you tired? Try eating more spinach and loading up on iron. Is your stomach irritated? Introducing good bacteria via probiotics could be a quick, drug-free fix to a healthier gut.
The same thing goes for stress and anxiety. But when
talking about the delicate line between traditional and naturopathic medicine,
we thought it best to consult women who are experts in both fields.
We talked to a New York-based registered nurse with an emphasis in holistic
medicine and a doctor with an MD and an ND (Naturopathic
Doctorate), Rebecca Lee, RN and founder of, and Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, a
stress management expert and author of The
Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Women's Health.
Through our talks with these experts, we boiled it down
to three nutrients your diet needs to naturally fight anxiety and stress.